Thursday 5 December 2013

The Great Transition

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The Tribe of the Phoenix
The Tribe of the Phoenix is the new society which will arise from the ashes of the old. It will combine the riches of tribal living close to the earth and in tune with the spirit, with the intellectual developments of the modern mind. Mankind will rediscover the great gifts of spirit and live in harmony with all on the Earth. There will be a great rekindling of past connections with beings from other worlds and other levels of reality. This new society will be both harmonious and cohesive, whilst promoting individual freedom of thought and expression.

The Great Circle
The Tribe of the Phoenix is based on the great circle of interdependence between individuals, the human race and Gaia. The central philosophy can be summarised as identifying with, having love and respect for, and fostering caring towards these three levels of being:

The Great Circle
Individual, sovereign human beings, most importantly oneself.


Humanity, all levels of social organisation up to the human race.

Gaia, as the planetary consciousness, the planet itself and all life on Earth.

The Seven Core Concepts
There are seven core ideas that lead to this philosophy, which themselves were developed from the metaphysical framework of Lifeforce harmonics. These core concepts are summarised below:

The Universe is enriched by our experiences
In the beginning the universe split itself into infinite parts, all imbued with consciousness, so that it could enrich and realise itself. This is the continually blazing fire that is pure joy. This process of realisation is the evolution of consciousness.

There are many levels to reality
There is an infinite number of different levels of reality, or dimensions, out there. We are aware of but a few and they are all as different from each other as physical reality is to dream reality. This adds great variety to the experience of consciousness enrichment and evolution.

Physical reality is very precious
It is very rare to be in this physical reality which has its own unique enrichment opportunities. These gifts from the source include craftsmanship and individuality.

We are all cells in Gaia's body
Just as individual cells make our body, we are all part of a larger body known as planet Earth. The inorganic rocks and minerals are like the bones and connective tissues; The plants and microorganisms are like the major organs; The animals are like the nervous system; humans are the gray matter of the brain.

Humanity is Gaia's consciousness
As Gaia's cerebral cortex, humanity provides Gaia's mind and personality. She has been asleep for aeons and her voice has only been heard in our collective unconscious. Now she is awakening and her voice is becoming conscious to us. She will gently gain control of her mind in a similar way to meditation and individuals will spontaneously realise higher consciousness. The point at which this happens is the critical mass talked of in the Celestine Prophecy.

Gaia is part of a larger family
Gaia herself is but a cell in a much larger body, that of our galaxy. As humans we have friends and family, Gaia has sister planets and father Sun. Gaia is affected by distant galaxies, star clusters and nebulae in a similar way to which we are affected by the constellations and planets. This will yield a new astrology and methods of deep connection with subtle energies.

Gaia opens the gateway to higher realities
If we attune ourselves to Gaia's energy field, she will act like a giant antenna bringing in spiritual signals from other levels of reality. This will allow us to journey and communicate with advanced beings and gain great spiritual and practical knowledge. The last time on Earth this happened was during the Golden Age of Atlantis.

A video of The Great Transition is now available on YouTube.

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