Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The Priestess of Gaia, a dreamtime vision of the future

A tribal woman approaches a blue extraterrestrial craft. She is a priestess. She is Gaia’s representative and is about to meet a spirit being from across the galaxy.  In Aboriginal times this being would have been called a Windjina, a sky god, who walks down the Milky Way to help and teach mankind. She knows this being as one of her spirit guides who brings much love and wisdom to the new Earth.  Over the years she has developed her subtle senses enough to perceive this craft and the being inside.

These craft have been with humanity since their genesis and always watch over. In dense times, such as we are currently living, such craft are only seen as brief glimpses by those momentarily sensitive to subtle energies. They are discounted by scientists and are regarded as a fringe phenomenon. They are described as UFOs, flying saucers, balls of light, fairies, spirits and ghosts. They exist on a level of reality that few can experience during our current order, but all will one day.