Thursday 22 May 2014

Coventy Well

This is a small sacred well on the outskirts of the town Great Torrington, in North Devon.  It is located on the commons, just past the old bowling green.  In the 14C lepers from the nearby village of tadiport (famous for its leper fields and Leperfest every year) would go to the well and use the healing waters to help cure their condition.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Aboriginal Fables and Legendary Tales

Aboriginal Fables and Legendary Tales (Aboriginal Library)

Aboriginal Fables and Legendary Tales (Aboriginal Library)

An excellent book containing around 70 stories from the aboriginal dreaming, with wonderful titles such as ‘How Tortoise Got His Shell’, ‘The First Bullroarer’ and ‘The First Man in the Southern Cross.’ Gives a good insight into the Aboriginal creation myths and is a valuable resource for the storyteller. A must read for anyone interested in mythology or Aboriginal Australia. Of course the Aboriginals considered the dreaming myths as actual fact as do I.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Priestess of Gaia, a dreamtime vision of the future

A tribal woman approaches a blue extraterrestrial craft. She is a priestess. She is Gaia’s representative and is about to meet a spirit being from across the galaxy.  In Aboriginal times this being would have been called a Windjina, a sky god, who walks down the Milky Way to help and teach mankind. She knows this being as one of her spirit guides who brings much love and wisdom to the new Earth.  Over the years she has developed her subtle senses enough to perceive this craft and the being inside.

These craft have been with humanity since their genesis and always watch over. In dense times, such as we are currently living, such craft are only seen as brief glimpses by those momentarily sensitive to subtle energies. They are discounted by scientists and are regarded as a fringe phenomenon. They are described as UFOs, flying saucers, balls of light, fairies, spirits and ghosts. They exist on a level of reality that few can experience during our current order, but all will one day.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Tree Breathing

This exercise allows you to experience the life of a tree and can be performed with or without a real tree. If you have a real tree, sit next to it with your back leaning against its trunk, if you don’t have a tree just visualise it. If you can find a suitable tree, try sitting in its branches.

Breathe in deeply and imagine energy welling up from deep within the earth, travelling up the roots of the tree, the trunk, branches, twigs and leaves. At the same time the energy fills you from head to toe.

Breathe out and imagine energy from the sun entering the leaves of the tree and travelling into the tree. Imagine the breath of the tree sinking into the ground through the branches, trunk and roots.

Continue this breathing pattern until you feel deeply connected to the tree. Expand your awareness to the processes happening in the tree. The sunlight shining on the leaves causing photosynthesis, the production of oxygen, to occur. The sap rising in the trunk.

Expand your awareness to all the life that lives on the tree- birds, insects & lichen.

Slowly bring you awareness back to your own breath and thank the tree (real or imaginary) for its help.

Monday 3 February 2014

Don't let your karma run over your dogma

I have struggled for many years with the concept of karma.  Part of the problem is that there seems to be no universal agreement about what it actually is, and many people believe it does not exist anyway.  The main theories are that it is some sort of divine retribution, 'an eye for an eye', or cause and effect.  Some think that karma comes back amplified, the threefold law. 

It was not until I read the works of a Tibetan Bon lama, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, that I felt I understood what karma is all about.  His description made sense and here is my potted version:-)  If you would like a better understanding, explore the Ligmincha site

What is Karma?

Karma is the Emotional Charge from Unconscious Memories and Desires, from experiences in waking life in addition to dreams, daydreams and all other thoughts.  Karma also consists of unconscious memories and desires from previous lives and experiences in the bardo plane (the after death realm described in The Tibetan Book of the Dead .) 

Saturday 25 January 2014

We Stand as Mighty Oaks

We stand as mighty oaks kissed by the Lady Spirit of Nature, just as leaves are kissed by the breeze. Father Sun sending loving shards of light deep within our souls, nourishing our roots. Slowly, patiently we take time to experience the flow of life, like sap in the trunk spreading to every branch and each and every twig. We stand as a bridge to the elements, rooted in the earth, flowing like water, the air our breath and the sunlight our soul. As does the oak, we stand as guardians to nature’s great paradise. We bow in reverence to her great spirit. We shed our clothes, our worldly lives, our hectic existence, just as the oak sheds its leaves, standing tall. In this deep connection we find our true strength, our deep roots and the joy of simply being. We drink of her spirit in a divine union as she welcomes us into her magical embrace.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Cloudskipper Dreaming - FREE PDF eBook

This eBook is a companion to the Cloudskipper Dreaming stories posted on YouTube. It includes three Cloudskipper Dreaming stories, with the original images used in the videos. It also has a graphics section that you can copy or print for educational or your own personal use.

Cloudskipper is a magical dream bird who creates his own world. He uses clouds to create the moon and his friend Brolly Bird, a dancing Brolga Crane, to help create rainbows! With messages for adults and children alike, this charming little bird will make you smile, think and feel uplifted!

Cloudskipper Dreaming is inspired by the Aboriginal Australian Dreamtime stories and creation myths. It is also influenced by the storytelling traditions and mythology of ancient cultures and their connection with the other-world experienced by shamans and mystics. The concept that life is a dream is common to many spiritual traditions including the Aboriginals, Tibetans and Buddhists.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.
You will only need to provide an email address to download - no payment information required as the eBook is free.

To view my other books and free offers, please visit my Lulu spotlight:

Saturday 18 January 2014

The Dreaming Cosmos - Metaphysics of Consciousness

What is consciousness? A seemingly simple question which led the author on a twenty-year journey: a quest for answers through science, metaphysics and spirituality. This journey eventually resulted in contact with a Wandjina, an Aboriginal Australian Sky God, called Zenchi. Under his guidance the metaphysics of consciousness called Lifeforce Harmonics was created. This provided a framework for the rational understanding of the emerging new reality. It was the start of the unfolding of a vision of the future, the Great Transition, where mankind will enter a new Golden Age. This book is the culmination of that process and presents the original Metaphysics of Consciousness manuscript fully updated and revised for the new millennium.

The Dreaming Cosmos - Metaphysics of Consciousness - Buy from

Also available in paperback format from Lulu Press

Cloudskipper Dreaming - New Video

The Cloudskipper Dreaming Channel brings you stories and messages from the dreaming world. Cloudskipper is a magical dream bird who creates his own world. He uses clouds to create the moon and his friend Brolly Bird, a dancing Brolga Crane, to help create rainbows! With messages for adults and children alike, this charming little bird will make you smile, think and feel uplifted!

New eBook - Messages of Hope from the Dreamtime

This book is a collection of channeled teachings given in response to the question- What is consciousness? The first part outlines the great transition into a new golden age, last seen during Lemurian and early Atlantean times. This new society, which my guides call the Tribe of the Phoenix, will rise out of the ashes of the old order and bring us back into contact with ourselves, the Earth and each other. We will follow in the footsteps of the aboriginal ancestors and return to a natural and spiritually advanced way of life. The second section of Wisdom from the Milky Way, consists of channeled essays by Zenchi, an aboriginal sky-god, on topics such as the human soul, the evolution of consciousness and our place in the universe. It ends with some final words on the dreaming nature of life.

ePub eBook Available from Lulu Press
Also available in Paperback from Lulu Press and in Kindle format.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Melissa Moon on Kindle


I have a number of books available on Kindle format; from my futuristic novel Black Heart of the Wolf, to my Reiki style attunement system called Deep Earth Rooting, and my channeled book, The Dreaming Cosmos.
Details of all my books are given below.

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2014!


Melissa x